Spoiler Alert! Photos of Piilopirtti Socks will be published here after each clue is out. Look elsewhere if you don't want to see spoilers.
NOTE! MKAL only in Finnish. If you purchase Piilopirtti Mysteerisukat Monochrome or Piilopirtti Mysteerisukat Seasonal kit - the English pattern download link will be emailed to you by the end of the year.
You need 3 colors of Sandnes Garn Perfect sock yarn.
Color A 1053 grey or green 8581, 2 balls
Color B 1042 light grey 3 balls
Color C 1099 black, or red 4219, 1 ball
Piilopirtti, clue 1
Piilopirtti, clue 2
Piilopirtti, clue 3
Piilopirtti, clue 4
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