We have gathered a few yarn kits for inspiration and for the Finnish Youtube-channel Villapesuohjelma's new pattern Villapesusiskot Shawl.
If you are planning to knit a three-color project, check out our sets and purchase your favorite colors now!
Cozy Merino masala,
Uschitita Merino Singles factum
La Bien Aimée Merino Singles bois de rose
Leizu Fingering Simple week-end
La Bien Aimée Merino Singles direwolf
Tosh Merino Light love or lust
La Bien Aimée Merino Singles dawn
Cozy Merino masala
Cozy Merino dreamcatcher
Tosh Merino Light copper pink
Tosh Merino Light black sea
Tosh Merino Light madonna
Cozy Merino stone, salt and pepper, volcanic sand
La Bien Aimée Merino Singles kitsune
Crush limpet
Tosh Merino Light sulfur
Crush oyster bay
Uncommon Everyday chrome
Cozy Merino volcanic sand